Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Two Toofs

The second toof officially broke through. We are so proud. As far as teething (toofing) goes, I believe we’ve followed protocol; frozen wash clothes, teething rings, soft ice in a little mesh bag, etc. But sometimes you got to dig deep in those painful moments and get a little creative; queso, lemons and limes, icing, and my personal favorite, corn on the cob without the corn. Yeah, you’re welcome for that one parenthood. She gummed on that thing for a solid 45 minutes that night. Keep in mind those were just dabs of icing and queso. We weren’t spoon feeding her those things.
On the crawling side, she is pretty much anywhere and everywhere. I think my mother in-law said Kori followed her all the way from the living room to the laundry room which is a decent hike. I really get a kick watching her develop mostly because you can tell she’s so proud of herself. The time she rolled over for the first time was hilarious. Maybe Stacey can throw a few clips on here. You’re probably saying to yourself, “Wow! They got the first time she rolled over on video?” My answer is, “Yes! We did because we are super awesome parents.” She was also grunting like crazy which sort of gave it away. Back to the crawling thing though, I’m not so sure she is content with just crawling since she has already started trying to standup. In fact Stacey walked in on her today after a nap and she was standing up. We have yet to see the pull up in person, but I'm sure that will come in the next day or two.  Well not much to boast about past that, folks.
Life is good in Tulsa. These days all you can ask for is good health, steady income, and cable TV with DVR. When you look at it that way, the Cowley’s can’t complain much. We got to spend some time with our OKC friends recently which is always refreshing. Hopefully, we can make some more time for them in 2011. That’ll do it for me this week.

Ok it's been really hard to upload videos (especially with a blizard going on outside) so I'll post a few random recent pics to hold you all over for now. --Stacey

Bathtime in the sink....probably her best smile we've caught on camera in a while (by the way we see this face all day long but when cameras or friends come around she likes to make them work for it)
                                 Again a face we see all the time.....she LOVES being upside down

Ugh, if someone can tell me how to rotate pictures on here I would love it.  I take pictures the right way on the camera and I can edit them on my computer but when I go to post them they turn out sideways.  Anyways this is the first day of the blizard, she was so curious about what was going on outside.
She's really been attaching to us lately so on a snow day and us walking in and out of the room all the time I finally put the baby bjorn to use and she LOVED it

And had to take a pic in the snow....but the wind was blowing so hard we couldn't keep our eyes opened

 Definately random but I thought I would post a pic of Kori's cute little cousin Bailey (about a month and a half ago)....by the way I (Stacey) makes these skirts if anyone wants one :)


“Yeah, he gives me a hard time. But that's the deal with a father-in-law. The key is I never let him see just how much it devastates me.”
~Phil Dunphy

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