Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Kor-ictionary \kori’s dictionary\

Thanks for tuning into the first edition of Words with Kori. My mom has been asking me to keep her posted on Kori’s progress in regards to the words she says, blurts, attempts, etc. After 6+ months or so, she’s racked up a decent resume of words or interpretations of words. We’re certainly no prodigy at “My Baby Can Read” but it sure is cute to watch her learn. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to share her progress. Below, you’ll notice a highly intelligent format consisting of word, pronunciation, and brief description. We’ll exclude obvious momma, dada, papa, ball, hi, hey, bye, eat, bite, dog, and kitty which is basically “keeeeeeeeey”.

For example:

word \pronunciation\
brief description…

please \pwease\
one of the more powerful words Kori has in her vernacular. “Pwease” will get her just about anything she wants whenever she wants. This will usually come with a tilt of the head and a tractor beam.

animal \amal\
So this is Kori’s most recent and favorite Baby Genius DVD where they spend the whole time touring the San Diego Zoo.

She says this when holding a phone up to her ear and proceeds to carry on a LONG conversation which no one understands.

We've made huge progress on this one but this is how Kori express that she wants to go see neighbor Lynn.

phone \fa\
She’s better at saying “iPad” to be honest. Thank god for unlimited data cause that girl will wear it out.

slide \sly-sly\
No surprise here. Loves the slide so much she has to say it twice everytime. Just can’t figure out if she likes sliding down the slide or trying to walk up it.

ice \eyes\
Just like her mom, the girl loves to eat some ice. Have to take her through The Barn next time we are in Stillwater.

blanket \dee-dee\
This would be her security blanket. My brother had one that he held on to until he was 10? I get the feeling she may follow a similar path.

banana \nan-yeah\
Not much to brag about here. Loves her nan-yeahs.

juice \sheuce\
Again, she can't put it down. Juice, water, milk, etc. Wherever she is there is a good chance there is a cup in her hand or a straw dangling from her mouth.

moon \moo\
Kind of impressive here. I don’t remember anyone teaching her this one. I think Gma Blanchard pointed to it, said it, and it was learnt.

airplane \ah-pee\
She’ll be the first to let you know if there is a plan in the sky…fo sho.

Quick Hitters:
cracker\cacker ~ Knox\knoxshhhh ~ outside\ow-si ~ thank you\te-too ~ here you go\he-gew ~ help\ep ~ sit\shit ~ teeth\tees ~ eye brows\eye bows  move \moof\ shoe \she\ boot \boo\ cookie \kee-kee\ cake \cake\ golf cart \cack-car ~ bubbles\bubba ~ duck\qwack ~ bird\buh ~ trash\tish ~ Elmo\elbow ~ Barney\bobby ~ Violet\bye bit ~ rock as in rock in the chair\ock ~
water/wa wa ~ candy/taney ~ happy/hobby ~ Uh oh/uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh ~  School Bus/buffs (while making circles with her fists how they do on the classic song "Wheels on the Bus) ~ blue/boo ~ green/geen ~ all done/aw duh ~ books/buffs ~ who can forget the kissing noise she makes while slapping her butt to call the dogs inside ~ and the sweetest one of all amen/ahh meh.  The list could probably go on if we could understand her half the time but she is not afraid to have a conversation with her self or "Elmo on the phone".

Words we here VERY often and have no clue what they mean schiby and todo which is usually in conjunction with a finger point so she is wanting something, wanting you to do something, or throwing out some kind of order/demand.
Thanks for tuning in. I’m sure there is more where that came from, but that’s all I can muster right now. FYI – Mamma and belly baby are trucking along. Doc is finally confident we're having a boy.

Clair likes to say: you can be part of the problem or part of the solution. Well, I happen to believe you can be both.

~Phil Dunphy

This girl loves the playground

Minnie Mouse and gogurts make her sassy....or maybe the sunglasses

Loves dancing

Especially to Barney

She's no stranger to the iPad

First Haircut

Not too sure what's going on yet

All smiles now....this stuff is easy

Happy Girl!!